Category: Domestic violence
How the holiday period impacts homelessness, suicide rates and domestic violence
For many people, the holidays are a wonderful time full of family, love and cheer. However, the widespread claim is that the holidays also see a disturbing spike in suicide rates, homelessness and domestic violence.
Round table on immigration visas and domestic violence matters
Late September two of our Waitara Family Centre staff attended a round table event with Dr Mehreen Faruqi, Greens Senator for NSW to discuss and advocate for the important issues pertaining to women and children who find themselves with no visa status after suffering from domestic violence.
What are the key signs of domestic or physical abuse?
Domestic or physical abuse occurs in relationships when one partner (the perpetrator) is physically violent towards the other (the victim). Although the definition of physical abuse is widely known, a large number of victims refuse to believe or admit that they are suffering from domestic abuse.
Changing lives with our Supported Temporary Accommodation program
Every night in Australia, more than 100,000 people are homeless. Homelessness can affect men, women and children from a wide range of backgrounds.
Homelessness due to domestic violence on the rise
72,000 women across Australia, sought homelessness services in 2016–17 due to family/domestic violence. Our Staying Home Leaving Violence program gives women who want to escape domestic or family violence a choice to stay in their own homes or to leave safely.
Caring Dads – a group program for men who want to be better fathers
Caring Dads is for men who are committed to changing behaviours in order to be better, more child-centred fathers. The program was developed in Canada by the University of Toronto, and is quite new to Australia.
Share the Dignity
Michelle Povah, Coordinator Northern Sydney Family Referral Service and Emergency Relief Program from our Naremburn Family Centre was asked to speak at a Share the Dignity afternoon tea fundraiser recently. Share the Dignity is a women’s charity that makes a real, on-the-ground difference to homeless women and victims of domestic violence.
Thank you Seven Consulting for our fabulous refuge renovation
Our DVRE/SHS team had an epic weekend swapping their casework hats for a ‘Block Style” renovation at Erin’s Place the weekend before last. To all those who participated – a huge thank you to you!
Tomago Aluminium says no to violence
Tomago Aluminium ran not one, but two White Ribbon Days recently to highlight the issue of domestic violence, asking staff to pledge to say no to violence. They raised $740 and donated this money to our Staying Home Leaving Violence (SHLV) program to assist women and children escaping domestic and family violence.
Safe Homes
Domestic violence is on the rise across the Central Coast. Safe Homes is a free service for all victims of domestic and family violence – males, females and children. It also assists men who wish to change their behaviour and become better fathers.
Caring Dads
Some men have attitudes and behaviours towards their partners and family members which have a detrimental impact on their families and children. Caring Dads is a group program for men who want to improve their parenting and be better fathers.