Counselling helps Prisha recognise coercive control

"We had the privilege of supporting Prisha, aged 28 through her journey after receiving a referral from CatholicCare’s Family Connect and Support team,” says CatholicCare Counsellor Michele. “Prisha was born in India and her family still reside there.

Drugs, alcohol & young people – some helpful tips for parents

Experimentation with alcohol and other drugs is a part of the lives of many young people. For many parents, approaching this topic with our children can be overwhelming and uncomfortable.

New adolescent & young adult hospice opens in Manly

Our Hospital Chaplaincy & Pastoral Care team now extends its service to the new Adolescent & Young Adult Hospice in Manly. CatholicCare provides Hospital Chaplaincy & Pastoral Care (HC&PC) services to seven hospitals, public and private, across our Diocese.
