Mary Mac’s Place Banner


Mary Mac’s provides social, community and friendship opportunities for men, women, families, young people, the elderly, and the socially and economically disadvantaged. We supply a nutritious lunch Monday to Friday served to our companions by our wonderful volunteers.

But it’s more than just a place to get a meal – it provides connection, value and belonging without judgement. Mary Mac’s offers a place to shower and to wash clothes and a pathway to other services like Legal Aid, homelessness support services and health assistance. With assistance from our community partners, a selection of food is available daily as a take home for those in need, and from time-to-time we can provide food hampers.

There is an increasing number of women and children using the service that are escaping domestic violence and sleeping in their cars because it’s not safe at home. We also have families where the main income earner has fallen ill and needs surgery or treatment and paying for this means they cannot afford their rent and food. We see pensioners that lose a partner and now cannot afford rent, food or bills on a single pension and people pushed out of the rental market due to rising cost of rent. And the rising cost of living is proving to be very difficult for most people. Sadly we have seen an increase in need in the local community, and there is no sign of this changing any time soon.

This service was commenced by parishioners of St John the Baptist Church Woy Woy, and the work has continued through CatholicCare, supported by many volunteers.

Homelessness is a community responsibility

Kim encourages us to support those in our community who are seeking a helping hand by donating $6 for a meal.

How does Mary Mac's Place help people?

Sally manages Mary Mac’s Place on a daily basis. Here she explains this essential service.

Kevin once came to us for meals, now he volunteers

Kevin talks about his personal experience – how Mary Mac’s helped him when he needed it most and why he wants to give back.

Shout a Mate a Plate CTA

Please shout a mate a $6 plate today

Every $6 plate counts and makes such a huge difference.

We are incredibly thankful for all donations.
Without your generosity we would need to turn many people away.


Currently up to 100 meals per day are supplied, 5 days a week. The work is able to continue through the generosity of the community in providing donations and grants. Without your generosity CatholicCare would need to turn many people away. We extend our heartfelt thanks to all our donors. We are a registered charity with an authority to fundraise. You can Shout a Mate a $6 Plate here. Donations of $2 or more are income tax deductible.

This service is located at the Ethel Cox Centre
100 Blackwall Road, Woy Woy
M: 0428 122 136

Frequently asked questions

I am not Catholic, can I still access your service?

Yes, our service is open to all.

When are you open?

Monday – Friday between 8.00am – 1.00pm (excluding public holidays).

What support do you provide?

Generally, those who are street sleeping will come for breakfast (8.00am – 9.00am), grab a tea/coffee, have a shower and utilise laundry facilities. Our main service is a takeaway lunch which is served between 11.00am – 1.00pm. We also provide some food for people in need to take with them (donated by local supermarkets) and food hampers (depending on stock).

Does Mary Mac’s Place provide any support for homelessness and mental health?

Mary Mac’s Place receives no government funding and is reliant on the support of community. As a result, we are a community kitchen, with a primary focus on food, and providing bathroom, laundry, and other practical supports. However, we have other services that provide outreach support those needing housing and health assistance. We will also try our best to connect you with appropriate support services.

Where can I get help if I am homeless or at risk of homelessness?

For those who are in immediate crisis contact Link2Home on 1800 152 152 to seek emergency accommodation. To locate appropriate support services in your community, we suggest visiting

Who can access your service?

Anyone who is down on their luck or needing a helping hand can use our service. We are open to all.

How can we support Mary Mac’s Place?

Mary Mac’s Place is primarily reliant on the support on the kindness of the community. We accept donations in the form of money and food. Our service also primarily runs on the support of volunteers. Ideally, our volunteers are committed long term and live locally. Call 1800 324 924 for more information or donate here.


Every Monday, I look half decent again!

You can tell it’s Monday at Mary Mac’s Place by looking at the queue for the shower. “Weekends are long because everyone is hanging out for Mary Mac’s to open again,” Steve says, who has been a companion at Mary Mac’s for 20 years.

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I don’t even know if I would have survived

Peter never expected to be homeless. Five years ago, he was a married father of four kids, a high-end wall paperer for Sydney’s rich and famous. Learn how CatholicCare rescued Peter from despair and homelessness.

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I didn’t realise I was homeless

Life would look vastly different for David, if not for the support of CatholicCare’s Together Home Program and Dom’s Place. “This place saves lives,” David says as he looks around. Now that he has a safe place to call home, David is committed to making his life a meaningful one.

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Homelessness – the reality in 2024

Homelessness can affect men, women and children from a wide range of backgrounds. A shortage of affordable housing and high rents means that people on low incomes are increasingly vulnerable to homelessness.  

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