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What are the key signs of domestic or physical abuse?
Domestic or physical abuse occurs in relationships when one partner (the perpetrator) is physically violent towards the other (the victim). Although the definition of physical abuse is widely known, a large number of victims refuse to believe or admit that they are suffering from domestic abuse.
Hospital chaplaincy continues amongst hospital openings and closures
Late last year the NSW Health Hospitals on the Northern Beaches closed their acute care, mental health and maternity facilities at Manly and Mona Vale Hospitals. Anyone living in the local parishes will be well aware of the changes, talked about for many decades and now completed.
Changing lives with our Supported Temporary Accommodation program
Every night in Australia, more than 100,000 people are homeless. Homelessness can affect men, women and children from a wide range of backgrounds.
How we’re helping to address the power imbalance between consumers and banks
The recent Banking Royal Commission report highlighted unethical practices by financial services providers and noted that there is a power imbalance between consumers and banks. People who feel that they have not been listened to by their bank frequently cannot access remedies or understand their rights without the assistance of free and independent financial counsellors.
School helps fight homelessness on the Central Coast
Students at Brisbane Water Secondary College Umina Campus, are donating over $700 to Mary Mac’s Place in Woy Woy - an outreach community service providing up to 100 meals a day to the homeless as well as other services such as Legal Aid, emergency relief and partners in recovery and health assistance.
Intensive therapeutic care for children and young people – can you help?
In 2015 the NSW government commissioned a state-wide review into the residential care sector. The review was triggered by concerns about the poor outcomes for young people aged 12 – 18 years, who were living in residential care homes, where their 24-hour care was provided by house supervisors and youth workers.
Playgroups – a fun social environment, for children and parents
Playgroup provides children with a supportive environment to play freely and discover. As they are at such a young and inquisitive age, providing them with an environment where they can meet other children and develop their social skills is so important.
Have you heard about the Family Referral Service?
It can be hard to know where to go for support when families experience challenges or hardship. There is a lot of support out there, but narrowing it down to find the best option for you and your family can be really difficult.
The many benefits of infant massage
Massage is a fantastic way to have nurturing skin-to-skin contact with your baby in a way you both will love. It helps with Mum's mood and makes her feel closer to baby.
Homelessness due to domestic violence on the rise
72,000 women across Australia, sought homelessness services in 2016–17 due to family/domestic violence. Our Staying Home Leaving Violence program gives women who want to escape domestic or family violence a choice to stay in their own homes or to leave safely.
Three cheers for our amazing ‘Garden Gurus’ & ‘Mow-Hawks’!
Drop in and be inspired or stay and get your hands dirty at the Edgeworth David Community Garden. This project, two years in the making, is a wonderful inclusive garden for all in the community.
Seven Boonah artists exhibiting at Kings School Art Show this month
We are very excited to advise that seven Boonah artists will be represented at the prestigious annual Kings School Art Show in Parramatta for the 3rd year running. What great recognition and inclusivity in a community event!