About our Triple P Parenting program

July 4, 2019

At Catholic Care, we’re passionate about helping parents be the best they can be. Our goal is to help parents and children form lasting bonds that follow them well into adulthood. We understand that it’s easy to doubt yourself and your abilities, and we want to help. This is where the Triple P Parenting Program comes in.

Understanding the Triple P Parenting Program
The Triple P Parenting Program is a six week course for parents with children aged two to nine years. Each session runs for 2 hours once a week for around 6 weeks.  This is a completely free program for the local community members to attend and learn.

Members will attend one phone call session, four group work sessions and a final session. During the final session, carers and parents will get a comprehensive summary that outlines everything they’ve learned so far.

At the core, the Triple P Parenting Program strives to give answers to common, everyday questions surrounding parenting. The goal isn’t to tell you how to parent because every family is unique. Instead, we help you build up a toolbox of techniques and ideas to use how you see fit. You’ll learn strategies that you can use how you wish, and you pick the ones that work best for your family.

Participants come away from each session having developed skills that translate into everyday applications. They also gain support from other parents and carers who are having similar issues or struggles. Each session gives parents and carers a chance to practice what they learn in real-time. Also, they get comprehensive telephone support from the program’s presenters if they decide they need it.

For visual learners, the program gives video demonstrations of core parenting skills. We’ll also teach you valuable strategies to help you learn how to productively manage misbehaviours and redirect your child.

Why is the Triple P Parenting Program important?
Everyone wants to believe that they’re doing the best for their child, but doubts can creep in. This is where the program comes into play. It gives parents the support they need to continue being a strong role model for their child.

It also connects parents with other local parents so they can continue to have support even after they finish with the Triple P Parenting Program. They can form valuable friendships and help each other on their parenting journey once they complete the program.

The program also allows parents to get a fresh perspective on their parenting style. Maybe there are things they could improve, but they need to see it from a different angle. Or, maybe they just need someone else to look in and help them develop their skills. Either way, our program coordinators can do this at our sessions.

Parents will be able to better understand and connect to their child in their younger years. In turn, this can have a lasting impact on the child well into adulthood. The parents and children will be able to form strong bonds and come to a better understanding of each other. The skills they learn will also help parents guide their children through life more effectively. They’ll get everything they need to learn these new skills and put them into practical use.

Contact us for more information
Would you like more information? We can help! The program does require a telephone interview and a booking before you secure your spot. Get in touch with our staff today with any questions or concerns.

For our Term 3 Waitara Family Centre parenting programs please click here. Our Northern Beaches & Naremburn Family Centre program listing is here.

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