Dance class for seniors aims to improve memory and wellbeing

All too often people with memory issues are told to engage the brain, to do more crosswords or play games. A group of seniors in Waitara have chosen instead to take a weekly dance therapy class through our Memory Innovations Centre, with the goal of improving their memory and perhaps even preventing dementia.

Introducing our incredible Memory Innovations Centre team

Our Memory Innovations Centre opened on 28 January in Waitara! Designed to improves quality of life, wellbeing and help support cognitive decline for older Australians, our professionally run programs focus on having fun, connecting with others and using emerging technologies.

How the holiday period impacts homelessness, suicide rates and domestic violence

For many people, the holidays are a wonderful time full of family, love and cheer. However, the widespread claim is that the holidays also see a disturbing spike in suicide rates, homelessness and domestic violence.

Our creative arts program for seniors

Did you know 1 in 4 Australians report feeling lonely and isolated? This is alarming because loneliness can impact both mental and physical health.

Enrol now for our vacation care program

School holidays come and go each year. As a parent, you know how challenging it can be to keep your child engaged and happy.

How we support young parents

Bringing a new baby home as a young parent can be an exciting but scary time, especially if this is your first child. Family and friends can offer advice, but outside support is critical.

What exactly is Family Dispute Resolution?

Family Dispute Resolution (FDR) is a specialised type of mediation service. It works to help families across Australia come to their own agreements without the court's involvement.

Round table on immigration visas and domestic violence matters

Late September two of our Waitara Family Centre staff attended a round table event with Dr Mehreen Faruqi, Greens Senator for NSW to discuss and advocate for the important issues pertaining to women and children who find themselves with no visa status after suffering from domestic violence.

Six tips for new parents

Bringing a new baby home can be an exciting but scary time, especially if you're a brand new parent. However, you're not alone.

Seven Boonah artists exhibit at prestigious Kings School exhibition next weekend!

It’s that time of year again where some of our Boonah artists get the opportunity to showcase their artwork at the prestigious Kings School annual Art Show & Fair on Saturday & Sunday 14 – 15 September. 

Fostering to adopt

There is strong evidence that many children in foster care experience ongoing disadvantage after they have been brought into care. Many children in foster care experience placement disruption, poorer mental health outcomes, social and emotional issues, and interrupted education.

Volunteers are vital in our Aged Care facilities

In Australia, roughly 229,000 elderly Australians entered aged care facilities between 2017 and 2018, and there are over 2,000 aged care facilities all over the country. While they have their own dedicated staff, volunteers are often vital for the success of these facilities and the health of the residents.