Discover the benefits of Behaviour Support programs for adults

Today, with all that is going on in the world, it can be stressful to maintain a positive, upbeat attitude. You may feel the burden of difficulties weighing you down as you go about your daily life, or you could feel incredible anxiety over things that are out of your control.

The connection between New Year’s resolutions and World Religion Day

As we draw closer to the start of the New Year, people are contemplating how to start 2021 off with their best foot forward. The New Year offers a time when we can put the problems, mistakes, and regrets of the past year behind us and begin afresh.

Have you heard about our Healthy Young Men Program?

In 2017 approximately 75% of people who died by suicide were males. While visiting schools and the community, CatholicCare’s Central Coast Family Centre received repeated requests for a program for young men that would help them navigate relationships and help them to understand what respectful relationships look like, while promoting positive mental health.

Reducing street sleeping – the Together Home program

During COVID-19 there were over 1,200 people street sleeping across NSW. As part of the Premiers promise to reduce street sleeping by half by 2025, a $36.1 million funding package was announced by the Department of Communities & Justice (DCJ) to fund community housing and support providers to make available 400 homes and support packages for clients who have a chronic history of experiencing homelessness across NSW.

Celebrating our differences

More than 4 million Australians — roughly 18 per cent of the population — are living with a disability. Of those, 7.4 per cent are children aged newborn to 14 years.

The benefits of vacation care for children

For children, school holidays are a great time full of wonder and joy, but for parents, they can be incredibly challenging. Holiday care programs are a valuable resource for many parents, helping people to work while offering children a safe place to play, learn, and make new friends.

Connect, collaborate and celebrate this Social Inclusion Week

Social Inclusion Week – which is being held from 21 to 29 November – aspires to ensure that all members of Australian society feel valued and included. It’s about providing the opportunities so everyone has the same chance to engage in society, no matter what their status.

Domestic and family violence rife across our Diocese

Wyong (in the Diocese of Broken Bay) is the second highest suburb for police callouts in NSW due to domestic and family violence. And we know that 66% of domestic and family violence incidences go unreported (BOCSAR, 2020).

Can you open your heart and your home to a child in need?

A struggle that rarely makes news headlines is that of children and young people in our community who are suffering. Many have been through experiences few of us could begin to fathom and who, without our help, will go through childhood without the love and support of a family.

Our commitment to Reconciliation

CatholicCare is proud to have had our Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) endorsed by Reconciliation Australia, demonstrating our commitment to building relationships with Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander peoples, encouraging respect for Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander peoples, taking and making opportunities for reconciliation and tracking progress against the intentions noted in our RAP.

How do I know if my child needs therapy?

OK ... so what’s actually going on? “It is a daily struggle to get my child to do most things, no matter how small.”

Our 2019/20 annual report is now available!

Around the world, the year 2019/20 will be remembered as a tragedy, as the COVID-19 pandemic ravaged communities with staggering loss of life – challenging our health, education and social welfare systems and economies. Through this, CatholicCare remained true to its mission – serving in justice and love – bringing hope to those who most desperately need it.