Next week is Homelessness Week – how we support this important event

Homelessness Australia coordinates their annual Homelessness Week to raise awareness of more than 116,000 homeless Australians. It sheds a light on the issues Australia's homeless population faces each day, and suggests ways that we can help remedy the situation. 

The importance of extending Out of Home Care to age 21

The most recent survey showed that there are roughly 47,915 Australian children currently living in Out of Home Care (OOHC). Of these 47,915 children, hundreds will age out of the program this year alone.

About our Triple P Parenting program

At Catholic Care, we're passionate about helping parents be the best they can be. Our goal is to help parents and children form lasting bonds that follow them well into adulthood.

Historic national Catholic Safeguarding Standards launched

Catholic Professional Standards Limited (CPSL)  has released the historic National Catholic Safeguarding Standards in response to the recommendations of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse. Speaking shortly after the release, CEO Sheree Limbrick said that during the Royal Commission, Catholic leaders committed to establishing nationally consistent standards and to the audit and public reporting of the compliance of Church Authorities with those standards.

My Buddy – an encounter with homelessness, from a privileged perspective  

Prompted by a good friend to keep my promise of a random act of kindness, the following encounter unravelled. Dashing to the supermarket a few months ago, I noticed a man sleeping rough on a public bench.

Supporting people living with disability in Australia

Almost 20% of the Australian population (around 3.96 million people) live with a disability. Of all of those people who report having a disability, 86% of Australians report having a disability that limits their core activities in some way.

The lasting impacts of homelessness on the youth of Australia

According to the most recent report by the ABS Census of Housing and Population, roughly 116,247 people were homeless, with 26,787 (24%) being youth under the age of 18. This is an 11% increase since the last report in 2011, and the numbers continue to rise.

The impact foster care can have on children and society and the benefits of a stable foster care placement

In Australia, there are an estimated 31,800 children that have been in foster care for two years or more. For 2017/2018, the number of children in foster care topped 168,000, and it's continuing to rise.

How do I become a foster carer?

Becoming a foster carer is an exciting time that can change your life forever. You take in children at some of the most vulnerable points in their lives, and this is why all potential foster families go through a rigorous assessment process before being granted the right to be foster carers.

What are the key signs of domestic or physical abuse?

Domestic or physical abuse occurs in relationships when one partner (the perpetrator) is physically violent towards the other (the victim). Although the definition of physical abuse is widely known, a large number of victims refuse to believe or admit that they are suffering from domestic abuse.

Hospital chaplaincy continues amongst hospital openings and closures

Late last year the NSW Health Hospitals on the Northern Beaches closed their acute care, mental health and maternity facilities at Manly and Mona Vale Hospitals.  Anyone living in the local parishes will be well aware of the changes, talked about for many decades and now completed.

Changing lives with our Supported Temporary Accommodation program

Every night in Australia, more than 100,000 people are homeless. Homelessness can affect men, women and children from a wide range of backgrounds.