Fostering to adopt

There is strong evidence that many children in foster care experience ongoing disadvantage after they have been brought into care. Many children in foster care experience placement disruption, poorer mental health outcomes, social and emotional issues, and interrupted education.

The importance of extending Out of Home Care to age 21

The most recent survey showed that there are roughly 47,915 Australian children currently living in Out of Home Care (OOHC). Of these 47,915 children, hundreds will age out of the program this year alone.

How do I become a foster carer?

Becoming a foster carer is an exciting time that can change your life forever. You take in children at some of the most vulnerable points in their lives, and this is why all potential foster families go through a rigorous assessment process before being granted the right to be foster carers.

The impact foster care can have on children and society and the benefits of a stable foster care placement

In Australia, there are an estimated 31,800 children that have been in foster care for two years or more. For 2017/2018, the number of children in foster care topped 168,000, and it's continuing to rise.

A foster carer story

Roz is one of CatholicCare’s incredible foster carers. She has been caring for foster children for more than 10 years.