It’s Social Inclusion Week – what’s that all about?

Social Inclusion Week takes place from 20 - 28 November 2021. CatholicCare provides services for a broad spectrum of people who might otherwise find themselves isolated from the community.

My name is Andrew, buffalo is my nickname

Andrew Italiano likes to keep busy and thanks to his long-standing involvement with CatholicCare Diocese of Broken Bay’s Disability Futures program that’s no problem. Depending on the day of the week you might find him painting, cooking, working as a barista, sorting fruit and vegetables for the needy, swimming or playing tennis.

Celebrating our differences

More than 4 million Australians — roughly 18 per cent of the population — are living with a disability. Of those, 7.4 per cent are children aged newborn to 14 years.

Connect, collaborate and celebrate this Social Inclusion Week

Social Inclusion Week – which is being held from 21 to 29 November – aspires to ensure that all members of Australian society feel valued and included. It’s about providing the opportunities so everyone has the same chance to engage in society, no matter what their status.

A newsletter with byte!

An activity designed to help clients of CatholicCare’s Disability Futures program gain proficiency in computer and organisational skills has evolved into the development of an e-newsletter, which is researched, written, compiled and designed by a growing team of enthusiastic newshounds. 

The benefits of dance and sports for people living with disability

Dance is a very therapeutic form of exercise, and sports are a great way to foster communication and teamwork. Both sports and dance are excellent for emotional, mental and physical health, especially for people living with  intellectual disabilities.

Seven Boonah artists exhibit at prestigious Kings School exhibition next weekend!

It’s that time of year again where some of our Boonah artists get the opportunity to showcase their artwork at the prestigious Kings School annual Art Show & Fair on Saturday & Sunday 14 – 15 September. 

Supporting people living with disability in Australia

Almost 20% of the Australian population (around 3.96 million people) live with a disability. Of all of those people who report having a disability, 86% of Australians report having a disability that limits their core activities in some way.

Three cheers for our amazing ‘Garden Gurus’ & ‘Mow-Hawks’!

Drop in and be inspired or stay and get your hands dirty at the Edgeworth David Community Garden. This project, two years in the making, is a wonderful inclusive garden for all in the community.

Seven Boonah artists exhibiting at Kings School Art Show this month

We are very excited to advise that seven Boonah artists will be represented at the prestigious annual Kings School Art Show in Parramatta for the 3rd year running. What great recognition and inclusivity in a community event!

CatholicCare Disability Futures receives Certificate of Registration under the New South Wales Disability Services Standards

As part of the final compliance requirements of its contract with the NSW Department of Families & Community Services, Ageing Disability and Home Care CatholicCare Disability Futures undertook Third Party Verification through an audit process with verifier/assessors from HDAA Australia Pty Ltd. The actual audit took place over two days in late February with many weeks of preparation occurring beforehand.

Our Sculptures by the Sea adventure

Three of our clients - Nikita, Jake and Elyce  - participated in the volunteer programme at Sculptures by the Sea again this year. They were invited to choose a sculpture each, learn about it and share their thoughts with visitors to the exhibition as they delivered their own guided tours.