Jubilee year prompts spiritual renewal at CatholicCare

The Jubilee is for people and for the Earth a new beginning; everything must be rethought within the dream of God,” the Pope told pilgrims gathered for the morning audience. 

Our artists explore Jubilee themes

It’s not every day that art competitions are held at our creative art studios for artists living with disability. So, when news broke of our 2025 Jubilee Art Competition, there was great excitement!

Christmas … a revolution that changed the world

Every Christmas, people around the world take a break from their ordinary lives to mark the birth of Jesus Christ. How will you welcome the Prince of Peace into your heart this Christmas?

Pastoral Works Broken Bay 2024 appeal

Pastoral Works Broken Bay (PWBB) supports members of our Diocesan community, helping to educate young people and support vulnerable people. This appeal is your opportunity to support ministries within your community, particularly the Hospital Chaplaincy & Pastoral Care Program and the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine (CCD).

Called to carry the cross – a Good Friday reflection

2000 years ago, there lived a man called Simon who had come to Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover Feast. When he woke up that Friday morning, ‘carrying the cross of Jesus’ was probably not on his to-do list.

Why World Religion Day matters so much

When you believe in a higher power—whether divine or secular—it gives you a feeling of control and a sense that life is inherently meaningful. Regardless of colour, creed, or culture, the history of humanity is a history of searching for something unifying and timeless that adds meaning and richness to life. For centuries, for many, religion has served that need.

What is Advent and why is it important?

Advent always starts four Sundays before Christmas. This year, in 2023, Advent starts on Sunday 3 December and ends on Sunday 24 December.

Taking communion to the sick

National Volunteer Week is Australia’s largest annual celebration of volunteering which recognises the invaluable support that volunteers provide to their communities. A Volunteer Appreciation Day was held in May at the Royal North Shore Hospital where many of our Catholic Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion were amongst those who received commendation for every five years of service.

Our pilgrims return from World Youth Day refreshed and energised

It’s not every day you wake up to a DJ priest pumping beats to a field of 1.5 million people. But for CatholicCare employees, Lucy Martin and Petition Chinyemba, this was exactly how their day started on 6 August 2023.

Kevin explores the questions of life, death and faith in his final weeks

“My husband, in his prime, was a 6 ft 2, rugby playing, cricket playing sportsman,” says Patricia reflecting on the life of her beloved husband, Kevin who passed away in May. “So, when Peter – a strong man of deep faith - accompanied Kevin in his final weeks, he was exactly what he needed.”

What is Advent and why is it important?

In 2021, Advent runs from November 28 to December 24. It's an important part of the year for Christians but is not always clearly understood by the general public.

Why this World Religion Day matters more than ever

The need to believe in something bigger than ourselves is a human need. Regardless of colour, creed, or culture, the history of humanity is a history of searching for something unifying and timeless that adds meaning and richness to life.