Lessons from a challenging 2021

Australians have been through a tumultuous time. 2021 will be a year to remember and not always for the best reasons. But while it is easy to get bogged down in all those negative memories and associated worry for the future, is it important to reflect as well. What lessons can be learned from this landmark year which can be applied now and into the future?

Celebrating our differences on #IDPWD 2021

More than 4 million Australians — roughly 18 per cent of the population — are living with a disability. Of those, 7.4 per cent are children aged newborn to 14 years.

What is Advent and why is it important?

In 2021, Advent runs from November 28 to December 24. It's an important part of the year for Christians but is not always clearly understood by the general public.

It’s Social Inclusion Week – what’s that all about?

Social Inclusion Week takes place from 20 - 28 November 2021. CatholicCare provides services for a broad spectrum of people who might otherwise find themselves isolated from the community.

Tips on parenting teens and recognising mental health concerns

Raising a family is a rewarding experience, but it comes with its challenges. As kids get older and enter their teenage years, it's not uncommon for the relationship between parent and child to suffer in some ways.

James gets his life on track

James was 14 when he first came to be supported by CatholicCare in one of its residential care group homes, but despite the challenges he has faced in his young life, he has now committed himself to study and to his creative interests and is beginning to look to the future with hope.

Make a positive impact on your physical and mental wellbeing on World Kindness Day

World Kindness Day is held globally on 13 November, celebrating the importance of kindness to oneself, others and the entire world. The day promotes the idea of making the world a better place by carrying out acts of kindness and acknowledging the positive impact kindness has on all of our lives.

Please say hello to Tereza – 83 years young

At 83 years of age and living alone since her husband died several years ago, Tereza loves it when her CatholicCare support workers come to visit to take her on walks or outings. “I’m a people person!” she says. “I just love seeing people and talking to them.”

Caring for carers during National Carers Week

National Carers Week is being celebrated from 10 - 16 October, recognising the valuable work that carers throughout the country perform day in, day out. The week has been held annually since 1992.

There’s millions of reasons to care during National Carers Week

As we enter what we hope to be the final phases of the worldwide COVID pandemic, we are still wary of how unsettled the past year has left us. For carers — people who have been providing care and support to those with disabilities, mental health issues, chronic conditions, terminal illnesses, and even old age — it is more important than ever to ensure that they don't forget to care for themselves. 

Invest in your future during Mental Health Month

October marks Mental Health Month, a project driven by the Mental Health Foundation Australia (MHFA). It aims to raise awareness and promote discussion around mental health issues, with the ultimate goal of educating and reducing the stigma associated with this branch of health and wellbeing.

Tips to boost mental health

As we approach October, it’s important to take some time and recognise Mental Health Month. Mental Health Month is celebrated each year in the month of October in NSW.