Youth Week: A time to reflect, seek support or volunteer

On globally significant issues like COVID-19 and anti-racist activism, to very local concerns ... Youth Week (which runs from 16 - 24 April) is an opportunity for Australia's young people to be heard — to express their views and share ideas.

Fostering our future – the benefits of foster care

For children and young adults who are removed from their families, the loss of good role models is only one of many devastating experiences they may undergo. For many, being in foster care will be vital for blooming into a healthy individual with a higher likelihood of success.

Join us in celebrating International Neighbour Day

On 28 March 2021, Australians will celebrate International Neighbour Day. This special day is to bring awareness to the importance of social connections and neighbourly good deeds.

Supporting youth in the fight against bullying

Bullying is a national health concern, affecting many children and adolescents. A recent study revealed that over 25% of children and adolescents in Australia experience traditional forms of bullying, and 7% experience cyberbullying.

Today is International Women’s Day

The theme for this year's International Women's Day is CHOOSE TO CHALLENGE. Women and men are committing to challenging gender inequality as part of this year's celebrations.

Co-parenting after separation – challenges and opportunities

The importance of family cannot be overstated, with our parents, partners, and children playing a huge role in our happiness and sense of wellbeing. Everyone wants a happy and stable family life - however, conflict and separation can arise for many reasons.

World Day of Social Justice 2021

As an initiative of the United Nations (UN), the World Day of Social Justice is designed to shed light on social and economic inequalities across the globe. Taking place each year on 20 February, this important day helps to highlight significant differences in work, compensation, and lifestyle factors for global citizens based on key differential factors.

The benefits of mediation for families

The breakdown of a family is a sad and stressful situation. When disputes drag on in The Family Court, family separation can have an even greater effect on the kids.

It’s time … the kids are heading back to school!

The first school term of 2020 is set to begin in Australia on January 29. With the upcoming school schedule looming, parents and kids have a lot on their minds.

Why this World Religion Day matters more than ever

The need to believe in something bigger than ourselves is a human need. Regardless of colour, creed, or culture, the history of humanity is a history of searching for something unifying and timeless that adds meaning and richness to life.

Why World Religion Day matters so much

The need to believe in something bigger than ourselves is a human need. Regardless of colour, creed, or culture, the history of humanity is a history of searching for something unifying and timeless that adds meaning and richness to life. For centuries, religion has served that need.

Behaviour support strategies for stronger family relationships

In an often chaotic and hurtful world, it helps to have the closeness of family and friends. Your relationships provide strength and help during these tumultuous times.