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Adam’s embracing care & taking steps to a brighter future
A difficult start in life and added trauma along the way led young Adam to develop some challenging behaviours, disengage with school and use anger as a barrier against the world. But the supports he has received while living in one of our Intensive Therapeutic Care homes has seen a number of small breakthroughs which are helping him to identify his emotions, modify his behaviour and re-engage with education.
Reach out to the seniors in your life
Over the years, relationships have changed, especially those young people have with their grandparents. According to the Australian Institute of Family Studies, in the late 1980s, people had much stronger connections with their grandparents. These connections were marked by grandparents often taking on the role of caregiver to help out the mother in times of need or to give her a break.
It’s Youth Week 2022
Youth Week is an annual event that runs this year from 4 - 14 April 2022. This is a time when we can really focus on the issues that challenge Australia's youth and consider viable solutions and ways forward.
Celebrating our amazing workers and the incredibly resilient women we work with on International Women’s Day
International Women’s Day – a day to celebrate and promote the empowerment of women around the world – is this year exploring the theme: ‘Equality today for a sustainable tomorrow’. CatholicCare Diocese of Broken Bay (CCDBB) supports International Women’s Day and many of its programs are aimed at practically empowering women who may be facing challenging circumstances in their life.
Aulia escapes her domestic violence nightmare
When Aulia’s dream move from Indonesia to Australia with her new partner turned into a domestic violence nightmare, it led to a period of homelessness and relying on the generosity of friends to have somewhere safe to stay each night. After leaving her first partner and having to fight for residency when he cancelled her visa, Aulia met another man who also subjected her to domestic violence.
Learn more about Dom’s Place – our new homelessness hub in Hornsby
Homeless people in Sydney’s north will have a new safe place to visit, enjoy social interaction and connect with support services, with the opening of Dom’s Place in Hornsby in April. Dom’s Place is an initiative of CatholicCare Diocese of Broken Bay’s (CCDBB) Homelessness Services program.
Our free pregnancy counselling service – a safe space to explore your feelings
News of a pregnancy can sometimes result in feelings that are all over the place. However, if those feelings are overwhelming or confusing, they might definitely be worth exploring with CatholicCare Diocese of Broken Bay’s (CCDBB) experienced counsellors.
World Day of Social Justice 2022
As an initiative of the United Nations (UN), the World Day of Social Justice is designed to shed light on social and economic inequalities across the globe. Taking place each year on 20 February, this important day helps to highlight significant differences in work, compensation, and lifestyle factors for global citizens based on key differential factors.
Celebrating Australia Day 2022
Australia Day means different things to different people, but this year, Australians are being invited to take part in our national day through the lens of the theme: ‘Respect. Reflect. Celebrate’.
Olivia thrives in her foster care placement
Olivia was three years old when she came into our care. She was severely developmentally delayed, couldn’t walk and screamed all through the night.
COVID meant Abigail lost her job, but not her hope
When Abigail lost her job during the COVID pandemic and needed emergency surgery to treat a tumour, she found herself all of a sudden struggling to pay the bills, but CatholicCare’s financial counselling service helped get her back on track and in a stronger position going forward. “I was the Business Development Manager for a gym for many years,” says Abigail, aged in her 20’s.
Maria & Alberto grapple with separation (how our Family Dispute Resolution team helped)
Marriage or relationship breakdown is never easy, especially when children are involved, but our Family Dispute Resolution program helps open up the lines of communication again and assists parties to move forward in the best possible way. Maria and Alberto came to Australia from Europe for Alberto’s work. They have two children and while in Australia they separated.