Caring for carers during National Carers Week

National Carers Week is being celebrated from 11 - 17 October, recognising the valuable work that carers throughout the country perform day in, day out. The week has been held annually since 1992.

Invest in your future during Mental Health Month

October marks Mental Health Month, a project driven by the Mental Health Foundation Australia (MHFA). It aims to raise awareness and promote discussion around mental health issues, with the ultimate goal of educating and reducing the stigma associated with this branch of health and wellbeing.

Common foster care myths

There are approximately 46,000 children in Australia who cannot live at home with their families. Some of these children get placed with a relative, but a good percentage require foster care.

The importance of engaged fathering

With Father's Day upon us, we’d like to take this opportunity to celebrate Dads of all kinds - single dads, stepdads, working dads, granddads, stay-at-home dads and all other father figures. The effect fatherhood has on a child’s development and wellbeing is a proven phenomenon, with many studies highlighting the importance of engaged fathering.

CatholicCare supports for those in our Diocese facing homelessness

A person is homeless when they don’t have a fixed, regular or adequate night time residence. They may be sleeping in a shelter, couch surfing, sleeping in cars or on the streets.

The enduring importance of friendship and human connection

Human connections are an important part of living a happy and fulfilled life. From short-term interactions to enduring relationships, how we come together as people plays a big role in our mental health and sense of wellbeing.

Six ways your friends make you happier and healthier

Friendships are one of the most rewarding and effective ways we can boost our mental health. And in Australia now more than ever, we could all benefit from a little help from our friends.

A newsletter with byte!

An activity designed to help clients of CatholicCare’s Disability Futures program gain proficiency in computer and organisational skills has evolved into the development of an e-newsletter, which is researched, written, compiled and designed by a growing team of enthusiastic newshounds. 

Our volunteers got creative with our friends in aged care homes during lockdown

Nothing is greater than the hearts motivation to touch the lives of those who are less fortunate than ourselves. CatholicCare’s Community Visitors Scheme (CVS) volunteers  know this.

New emergency relief funding very much needed

More than 13% of Australians live below the poverty line, after housing costs. Of the three million people living in poverty in Australia, 731,000 are children.

Are you a separated parent struggling to make agreements or manage conflict?

Are you a separated parent struggling to make agreements or manage conflict? The Mediation Team at CatholicCare Diocese of Broken Bay may be able to support you to achieve an outcome that is quick, economical and provides peace of mind to all parties.

Supporting vulnerable children and young people through foster care

There is little dispute that most us live a privileged life. God blesses us daily and abundantly and we live in a spectacular part of the world.