Our volunteers got creative with our friends in aged care homes during lockdown

Nothing is greater than the hearts motivation to touch the lives of those who are less fortunate than ourselves. CatholicCare’s Community Visitors Scheme (CVS) volunteers  know this.

New emergency relief funding very much needed

More than 13% of Australians live below the poverty line, after housing costs. Of the three million people living in poverty in Australia, 731,000 are children.

Are you a separated parent struggling to make agreements or manage conflict?

Are you a separated parent struggling to make agreements or manage conflict? The Mediation Team at CatholicCare Diocese of Broken Bay may be able to support you to achieve an outcome that is quick, economical and provides peace of mind to all parties.

Memory Innovations Centre – Keeping seniors connected during COVID-19

Our Memory Innovations Centre has adapted very quickly to keep seniors in the community connected and supported in the current climate. We are committed to keeping our clients and staff safe whilst ensuring seniors have access to our programs during these unprecedented times.