Category: Foster care
Taylor thrives in her placement
Before entering an Individual Placement Arrangement with CatholicCare in October 2022, 12 year old Taylor had never lived anywhere for very long. Her placements with foster carers and family members would regularly break down, and in the months before coming to CatholicCare she was living in temporary accommodation with agency workers.
A word from our Executive Director
I had not run a foster care service prior to joining CatholicCare, but I had managed other types of programs for children in Out of Home Care. I knew from my experience that kids in foster care almost always thrived.
The long road to adoption
David is a young person in our foster care program. Three years ago, with the support of CatholicCare, David’s foster family made the decision to move toward adoption to ensure David would always be part of their family.
Alice dreams of becoming a doctor
Moving 1½ hours away when you’re 16 years old is hard at the best of times. But for Alice and her sisters who live with CatholicCare foster carers, Julie and John, their move coincided with the beginning of a lengthy lockdown.
In the news – the urgent need for foster carers
Up to 30 kids need emergency accommodation each night on the Northern Beaches, but many are forced to sleep in motel rooms due to a desperate shortage of foster carers. As many as 30 children — some aged just five — need emergency accommodation each night on the Northern Beaches.
Olivia thrives in her foster care placement
Olivia was three years old when she came into our care. She was severely developmentally delayed, couldn’t walk and screamed all through the night.
Is foster care right for you?
There are approximately 46,000 children in out of home care in Australia, which is an increase from 43,100 in 2017. Some of these children get placed with a relative, but a good percentage require foster care.
Roz opens her home to a sibling group in need
With two happy and healthy grown daughters of her own, Central Coast foster carer Roz felt drawn to help other children from more difficult backgrounds to experience a loving, stable home. Roz began fostering almost 20 years ago when she took part in a short-term respite program with the Department of Community Services.
Fostering our future – the benefits of foster care
For children and young adults who are removed from their families, the loss of good role models is only one of many devastating experiences they may undergo. For many, being in foster care will be vital for blooming into a healthy individual with a higher likelihood of success.
Can you open your heart and your home to a child in need?
A struggle that rarely makes news headlines is that of children and young people in our community who are suffering. Many have been through experiences few of us could begin to fathom and who, without our help, will go through childhood without the love and support of a family.
Common foster care myths
There are approximately 46,000 children in Australia who cannot live at home with their families. Some of these children get placed with a relative, but a good percentage require foster care.
Supporting vulnerable children & young people through foster care
There is little dispute that most us live a privileged life. God blesses us daily and abundantly and we live in a spectacular part of the world.