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Jubilee year prompts spiritual renewal at CatholicCare
The Jubilee is for people and for the Earth a new beginning; everything must be rethought within the dream of God,” the Pope told pilgrims gathered for the morning audience.
Accelerating action this International Women’s Day
The theme for International Women’s Day 2025 is ‘Accelerate Action’ which is all about moving from awareness to action and awareness is the first step in creating change.
Our artists explore Jubilee themes
It’s not every day that art competitions are held at our creative art studios for artists living with disability. So, when news broke of our 2025 Jubilee Art Competition, there was great excitement!
At the mercy of his perpetrator
For several months, 66 year old Peter lived between hotels. As he grappled with memory loss and substance use, Peter would rely on the goodwill of hotel owners and acquaintances for shelter.
Bridging gaps and creating change on World Day of Social Justice Day 2025
World Day of Social Justice is celebrated each year on 20th February and the theme for 2025 is ‘Empowering Inclusion: Bridging Gaps for Social Justice.’ Perhaps there is something a little familiar about the theme for World Social Justice Day this year.
Taylor thrives in her placement
Before entering an Individual Placement Arrangement with CatholicCare in October 2022, 12 year old Taylor had never lived anywhere for very long. Her placements with foster carers and family members would regularly break down, and in the months before coming to CatholicCare she was living in temporary accommodation with agency workers.
Gemma survives financial abuse
For Gemma, aged 35, her $26,000 debt didn’t accrue overnight. Gemma’s debt was the culmination of years of financial abuse, coercion, bullying and betrayal.
Big news – we’ve been approved to provide Home Care Packages!
We are delighted to announce our new accreditation as a provider of Home Care Packages designed to help seniors stay living in their home independently for as long as possible.
Understanding Alfie
When Alfie first started at the OSHC 21/2 years ago, he was in a mainstream class at school. After being diagnosed with autism and ADHD, Alfie transitioned into a support unit class.
Christmas … a revolution that changed the world
Every Christmas, people around the world take a break from their ordinary lives to mark the birth of Jesus Christ. How will you welcome the Prince of Peace into your heart this Christmas?
Sally builds meaningful connections
Last year marked a significant and heart-warming chapter in our Intensive Therapeutic Care (ITC) team as we welcomed Sally into our care.
You don’t need to have your life together at Christmas
The pressure is real to have it all together at Christmas. Yet no one in the history of the world, not even Mary, has had their life together at Christmas.