Category: Aged care
Reach out to the seniors in your life
Over the years, relationships have changed, especially those young people have with their grandparents. According to the Australian Institute of Family Studies, in the late 1980s, people had much stronger connections with their grandparents. These connections were marked by grandparents often taking on the role of caregiver to help out the mother in times of need or to give her a break.
Please say hello to Tereza – 83 years young
At 83 years of age and living alone since her husband died several years ago, Tereza loves it when her CatholicCare support workers come to visit to take her on walks or outings. “I’m a people person!” she says. “I just love seeing people and talking to them.”
Caring for carers during National Carers Week
National Carers Week is being celebrated from 10 - 16 October, recognising the valuable work that carers throughout the country perform day in, day out. The week has been held annually since 1992.
CatholicCare’s friendship program ending social isolation for our seniors
Kathleen Herz knows what it feels like to be lonely, following the death of her husband some years ago, and it was this experience which prompted her to fill that gap for others by volunteering with CatholicCare Diocese of Broken Bay’s Community Visitors Scheme. “When I lost my husband, I realised how lonely it was for people being by themselves,” she says.
Reach out to the seniors in your life
Over the years, relationships have changed, especially those young people have with their grandparents. According to the Australian Institute of Family Studies, in the late 1980s, people had much stronger connections with their grandparents.
Our volunteers got creative with our friends in aged care homes during lockdown
Nothing is greater than the hearts motivation to touch the lives of those who are less fortunate than ourselves. CatholicCare’s Community Visitors Scheme (CVS) volunteers know this.
Memory Innovations Centre – Keeping seniors connected during COVID-19
Our Memory Innovations Centre has adapted very quickly to keep seniors in the community connected and supported in the current climate. We are committed to keeping our clients and staff safe whilst ensuring seniors have access to our programs during these unprecedented times.
Volunteers are vital in our Aged Care facilities
In Australia, roughly 229,000 elderly Australians entered aged care facilities between 2017 and 2018, and there are over 2,000 aged care facilities all over the country. While they have their own dedicated staff, volunteers are often vital for the success of these facilities and the health of the residents.
Can you spare one hour a fortnight? Our Community Visitors Scheme needs you.
Our Community Visitors Scheme (CVS) needs your help to brighten an older person’s day! There are residents in aged care homes across the Northern Beaches who are lonely and may not have family or friends living nearby.