Category: Aged care
At the mercy of his perpetrator
For several months, 66 year old Peter lived between hotels. As he grappled with memory loss and substance use, Peter would rely on the goodwill of hotel owners and acquaintances for shelter.
Big news – we’ve been approved to provide Home Care Packages!
We are delighted to announce our new accreditation as a provider of Home Care Packages designed to help seniors stay living in their home independently for as long as possible.
Generations connect over juice and scones
After watching the show ‘Old People’s Home for 4 Year Olds' we looked at how we could do something similar in our community. We knew that many of our families had grandparents who lived a long way away and they would benefit by having that intergenerational connection.
Chee changes everything for Yvonne
“To have someone as good as Chee, that’s a miracle,” says 78 year old Yvonne who receives in-home support from CatholicCare Community Support Partner.
Peter trains his brain to read again
Attending Brain Games classes at CatholicCare’s Memory Innovations Centre (MIC) provided the momentum Peter needed to return to reading.
The life lessons we have learnt from seniors
The NSW Seniors festival runs 11 - 24 March 2024. To mark this significant event, we asked some CatholicCare staff to share what they have learnt from working with seniors. Their insights are profound and inspiring.
Reconnecting isolated seniors with the outside world
When 99 year old Oi Mei first met Winnie, she finally had someone she could share stories in her native tongue. As a fellow Cantonese speaker, Winnie was able to appreciate and resonate with Oi Mei’s experiences in a special way.
Memory Innovations Centre fills gap in services for seniors
Exercise … we all know it’s good for us and, if we’re honest, we do feel better for doing it. After all, exercise bumps up the production of our brain’s ‘feel-good’ hormones called endorphins.
Lynette’s Story
"She saved my life,” Lynette says, looking gratefully at her Activity Support Partner, Gayle. Once a fortnight, Gayle supports Lynette in the community as part of her Commonwealth Home Support Program package.
A desire for independence
In many ways Jan and Joan, who participate in weekly classes at the Memory Innovations Centre (MIC), are like chalk and cheese. “I love socialising,” says Joan, who has coffee every morning with friends.
Small things make all the difference for Stephen
For Stephen, who is retired and lives on his own, visits from his CatholicCare Activity Support Partners are the highlights of his week, “I have no family, so I really appreciate the company of my two CatholicCare workers.”
Thank you Penelope and all our incredible volunteers
Penelope Kerr’s volunteering journey began over 16 years ago when her father was living in a nursing home in Canberra. “During my visits I’d notice the names of Dad's visitors in the sign-in book.