Early Learning & Care Centres Banner


Our Early Learning Centres are purpose-built preschools and long day care centres adjacent to our local Catholic primary schools and are open to everyone in the community. Your family does not need to be Catholic to attend our Early Learning Centres and all families are welcome regardless of which primary school your child will attend.

Warm, home-like atmospheres and inclusive play-based learning is at the core of our philosophy and practice. We believe that children thrive and learn best when they feel safe, supported and respected for who they are, and when their learning is guided by intentional experiences and their own interests and choices. We create positive environments where children develop trust, feel safe, and are happy and content. Our centres are havens for learning, creativity, fun, laughter and enjoyment!

We respect and value all children for their unique qualities, individuality, diversity, interests, abilities and characteristics. We aim to support children as they begin their educational journey so they can grow and develop into strong and confident people and our experienced staff deliver a program that is designed to maximise each child’s learning through a play-based approach that is guided by the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) and the National Quality Standards (NQS).

For more information:
P: 1800 324 924
E: info@catholiccaredbb.org.au

We pride ourselves on providing services that are welcoming

All our centres provide stimulating, supportive and safe environments, where play and discovery allow for children to learn, problem solve, think creatively and grow.

Our parents feel happy and secure knowing their child is in a warm, friendly and welcoming environment that promotes a sense of family.


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Our Lady of Good Counsel ELC Forestville

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St Brendan's ELC Lake Munmorah

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Our Lady Star of the Sea ELC Terrigal

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Waitara Early Learning & Care Centre

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St John the Baptist ELC Woy Woy

Childhood is a time to be, and to make meaning of the world.


I am not Catholic, can my children attend your service?

Yes they certainly can. Our ELCs are open to all.

How does a preschool differ from a long day care service?

The main difference is the hours and the Government funding that the families can access.  Both preschool and long day care services follow the Early Years Learning Framework, regulations and access the same National Quality Standards.

What hours are you open?

Families will have to contact the ELCs directly to find out opening and closing times as each service differs slightly.

Do I need to provide food for my child?

Preschool families need to provide the children’s food for morning tea and lunch. Our long day care service in Waitara has a cook is onsite who prepares the meals each day. Extended hours program children are required to bring morning tea and lunch.

What are your fees?

Families will need to contact the service they are interested in attending to find out their fee schedules.

Do you offer the Child Care Subsidy?

Services who offer long day care or extended hours can provide CCS relief to eligible families. Contact your service of interest to find out more.

How do I register for the Child Care Subsidy?

Families can follow the steps to enrol for the CCS here.


How do I enrol my child?

Reach out to the service you are interested in and if you decide to proceed the Director will send an enrolment link to HubWorks. All our ELCs will have an orientation session for the family and child before they start.

Does my child have to go to the primary school attached to the preschool?

No they don’t. Many children do move across to the primary school and others will move to other local schools. Our ELCs have great connections to the primary school and because of this, the transition to school is made easier.

Can I receive fee relief subsidy on my preschool fees or my long day care fees?

Our preschools receive NSW Government funding for fee relief for two days of attendance.

Fee relief is also available for long day care after the Child Care Subsidy is applied if eligible.

Can you tell me more about your educators?

Our Early Learning Centres are staffed by a dedicated team of qualified professionals who are rigorously screened prior to employment with CatholicCare.


Jubilee year prompts spiritual renewal at CatholicCare

The Jubilee is for people and for the Earth a new beginning; everything must be rethought within the dream of God,” the Pope told pilgrims gathered for the morning audience. 

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Understanding Alfie

When Alfie first started at the OSHC 21/2 years ago, he was in a mainstream class at school. After being diagnosed with autism and ADHD, Alfie transitioned into a support unit class.

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Generations connect over juice and scones

After watching the show ‘Old People’s Home for 4 Year Olds' we looked at how we could do something similar in our community. We knew that many of our families had grandparents who lived a long way away and they would benefit by having that intergenerational connection.

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Changing lives through literature

Many of us take it for granted that our kids will grow up learning to read and write, yet for many children throughout Australia, this is not the case. Lack of education and early literacy can affect children throughout their lives and lead to psychological damage, poor health, fewer job opportunities and lower incomes.

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