An important update from CatholicCare Diocese of Broken Bay

March 23, 2020

We are certainly sharing unfamiliar and unpredictable times. CatholicCare Diocese of Broken Bay is working hard to keep our doors open to those in need, and our clients and their families, our staff and our communities safe in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic.  We have few precedents to guide us, but we are leveraging our expertise and experience to develop creative and responsive ways of working that try to balance the needs of our clients, our staff and our communities, with a particular focus on the most vulnerable. The outbreak and spread of Coronavirus are testing our ingenuity as we focus on containment and protection.

In light of this we have only minimal staff at each of our hub sites. However, please be assured we are still contactable and are developing a range of alternative ways to provide services. We are operating business as usual wherever possible. Counselling, housing support, domestic violence and emergency relief supports are available. For more information please call (02) 9481 2600.

At this stage, our Early Learning Centres, Out of School Hours Care and Family Day Care services are open, and we are continuing to support people living with disability and seniors, although in modified ways. Given the unpredictability of the situation, this may need to change quite quickly. We are planning for that situation as best we can. We are communicating with all stakeholders, and clients and their families regularly. We are ensuring that all staff adhere to stringent guidelines provided by our public health experts.

We are conscious that the demand for services across our most vulnerable communities is likely to increase. We have already experienced increased requests for emergency relief and domestic violence support. Given the predicted economic impact of the pandemic, we will need the support of our government partners and any additional support communities can provide, to ensure we best manage the risk to the vulnerable people we directly support, families and staff. Responses to the pandemic are evolving day-by-day, and we will continue to monitor and adapt our services in response. We will walk alongside those who need us most and serve in justice and love.

Melissa Sabian
Communications & Engagement Manager
P: 0481 602 046

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