Our new Northern Beaches Family Centre is now open in Brookvale!

December 18, 2017

Our new Family Centre is purpose built to provide specialist one-on-one and group services for the Northern Beaches community. We offer services to children, families, young people and individuals across a range of programs that promote wellbeing.

Services include:

  • Child and family support
  • Parenting education
  • Relationship support
  • Pregnancy counselling
  • Financial counselling
  • Community visitors scheme
  • Mediation services
  • Domestic and family violence support
  • Emergency relief.


In providing this broad suite of services we hope to provide the right support, education and ongoing services that meet the need of our diverse population and strive to reach our vision of safe, well and connected families, individuals and communities.

Our new Family Centre is located at 116/20 Dale Street in Brookvale.
P: (02) 8043 2600
E: nbfc@catholiccaredbb.org.au

We’re 300 metres from Warringah Mall and accessible by bus. There are a number of health services close by and time limited free parking and 3 hours free parking at the Mall.

About CatholicCare:

We are the social care and support agency of the Catholic Church in the Diocese of Broken Bay.

We assist children, young people and adults to live more enriched lives. We provide quality services tailored to individual needs which take into account people’s social and cultural backgrounds.

We believe in the rights of people and the importance of relationships. These values shape our approach to care and underpin the services we provide.

Belonging to the larger network of Catholic Social Services Australian (CSSA), we provide services to 26,000+ children, young people, individuals and families on the NSW Central Coast, North Sydney and Northern Beaches, and have been doing so since 1987. We delivered around $38 million of care this year.




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