NDIS Support Coordinators Banner

We are a registered provider of support coordination services for the NDIS. Our team of Support Coordinators have extensive knowledge and are your trusted NDIS advisors for any questions you may have about your plan. We can build and enhance your ability to direct and manage your own services and help you coordinate your supports and maximise your plan so you can achieve your goals and live your best life.

All our Support Coordinators have strong backgrounds and experience working in the disability sector and understand the NDIS regulations, guidelines and funding.

Our Support Coordinators can help you:

  • Find the right services for your supports and connect you to the service of your choice
  • Understand and implement your plan
  • Understand your budget and the best way to spend your funds
  • Help resolve issues if they arise
  • Use the MyGov website and NDIS portal
  • Prepare for NDIS plan reviews.

For more information:
P: 1800 324 924
E: info@catholiccaredbb.org.au

Support Coordination CTA

LEARN MORE about our support coordination supports TODAY

Navigating the NDIS can be tricky.

Please let us know how we can help you. We’re happy to answer your questions.

What is Support Coordination?

Support Coordination is an NDIS funded service that’s designed to help NDIS participants, their family and carers to coordinate and implement the supports in their NDIS Plan.

I am not Catholic, can I still access your service?

Yes, our service is open to all.

What does a Support Coordinator do for me?

Support Coordinators will assist you to understand your NDIS plan, the funding and supports. They will connect you with services and supports to achieve your goals and build your capacity to understand the NDIS, the services services available to you so you can make your own choices. They can assist with monitoring and managing your budget and if needed communicate with providers and assist with troubleshooting issues and concerns. And importantly they can help you to prepare for your NDIS review.

If I have support coordination will I lose funds elsewhere in my plan?

No. Support Coordination is included in your NDIS Plan in addition to other supports.

Is Support Coordination different from plan management?

Yes. A Support Coordinator’s role is to help NDIS participants to understand and implement their NDIS Plan. A Plan Manager is responsible for the financial part of a participant’s NDIS Plan, processing and paying claims and invoices and tracking budgets.

Will a Support Coordinator help me with my NDIS review?

Yes. They will work with you to prepare for your plan review, discussing with you your current supports and services, if they are meeting your goals and how satisfied you are with them. They will support you to consider any new goals and submit a report that details your achievements to date, your new goals, funding is required, reports from providers and therapists, quotes for services and any recommendations for new services and supports.

Can a NDIS provider both Support Coordination and other NDIS supports?

Yes. You can choose to use other services that the Support Coordinator’s provider delivers. This is your choice. Your Support Coordinator will ensure you are provided with details of external providers so that you can make an informed choice. The support coordination service will have strategies to manage any conflict of interest.

What sort of experience do you have?

All our Support Coordinators have strong backgrounds and experience working in the disability sector and extensive knowledge and understanding the NDIS regulations, guidelines and funding.

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