Disability Accomodation ILO banner

Individualised Living Options (ILO) is a form of support that assists people living with disability to remain in their chosen home environment in a way that best suits their needs.

ILO support is exactly as the name suggests, individualised assistance that can include a combination of informal and formal supports that meets the participant’s needs. This may include a mixture of supports from family and friends and formal scheduled supports with CatholicCare. Supports may include:

  • Help to make decisions like where you want to live and supports you need to make that happen and other day-to-day decisions
  • Personal care
  • Assistance to set up and manage your own home
  • Help to build your independence and to build and maintain connection with others
  • Support to manage your emotions or behaviour
  • Unpaid informal supports like neighbours or carers who help you on a regular basis
  • Support from CatholicCare who you call to help you when you need it (on-call)
  • Training for the people who support you … and more.

There is further information about ILO supports on the NDIS site here.

For more information:
P: (02) 9488 2500
E: info@catholiccaredbb.org.au


Mark has greater control

It's been a year of change and growth for Mark, who is a proud resident of our Supported Independent Living house in Wahroonga. Upon being asked what he most enjoys about living at Kokoda House, Mark says, “everything!”

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Let’s talk about invisible disabilities

When you think of the word, ‘disability’ what do you see? Perhaps you envision someone in a wheelchair, or a person walking with a cane. The reality is that for 90% of people living with a disability in Australia, their disability is invisible.

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NDIS support changes everything for the Mockler family

Four years ago, life looked very different for the Mockler household. Without support via the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) they were managing, but only just.

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Making the world better and fairer for those living with disability #IDPWD23

1 in 6 Australians are living with a disability - that’s 4.4 million people. Disability can be related to genetic disorders, illnesses, accidents, ageing, injuries or a combination of these factors. In recent years there has been an increase in the number of people for whom their main form of disability is mental or behavioural.  

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