Disability Accomodation SIL banner

CatholicCare offers a range of housing supports to those living with disability. We are committed to creating a society that values diversity and actively work to break down barriers that may prevent individuals living with disability from fully participating in life.

People living with disability experience their own unique challenges and each have different goals and needs. We understand this and work hard to ensure you receive care tailored to you so that you can live a happy and comfortable life. We don’t provide a one-size-fits-all solution. We provide supports to clients across a range of accommodation settings, helping to build capacity with everyday life skills and personal care activities. We can also help with the implementation of support plans and assist with community access. 

According to a recent NDIA research report (2021) the dominant model of housing for people living with a disability has historically been an institutional model. Remaining in the care of the family in the family home is also common for many people with a disability, in some cases without the preferences of the individual being considered. Now they can enjoy the parts of life that others get to, and rightfully so! This is very important to us.

CatholicCare’s offering prioritises choice, control and autonomous decision making for clients. Studies show how important it is for adults with a disability to have autonomy over their daily activities and decisions. Being supported to live independently has been proven to increase self-reliance, safety and security. 

For more information:
P: 1800 324 924
E: info@catholiccaredbb.org.au


Taylor thrives in her placement

Before entering an Individual Placement Arrangement with CatholicCare in October 2022, 12 year old Taylor had never lived anywhere for very long. Her placements with foster carers and family members would regularly break down, and in the months before coming to CatholicCare she was living in temporary accommodation with agency workers.

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Understanding Alfie

When Alfie first started at the OSHC 21/2 years ago, he was in a mainstream class at school. After being diagnosed with autism and ADHD, Alfie transitioned into a support unit class.

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Everyone has capacity to lead #IDPWD24

This year, the theme for International Day of People with Disability is amplifying the leadership of persons with disabilities for an inclusive and sustainable future.

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Social inclusion – what it looks like and why it matters

Social Inclusion Week will take place this year from 23 November – 1 December. Often, we’ll hear the words “inclusion” and “accessibility” mentioned in the media and online. They sound like important words, but how important are they, really, to a person’s day to day life? And for a person with a disability, what does an inclusive space look like? We ask our friends at Boonah.

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