Disability Futures & NDIS Supports Banner

At CatholicCare Diocese of Broken Bay we focus on ability, helping you to choose and access supports, programs and activities to suit your lifestyle and aspirations. We put you in the driver’s seat, and help you get to your destination, whilst assisting you in navigating any bumps along the road.

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) has opened up possibilities you may not have thought about. However, it’s not always straightforward. That’s where our expertise and experience come in handy.

Let us work with you to develop the skills and access the support you need to maximise your independence, get out and about in the community and achieve your personal goals. We are accredited to provide services by the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission and offer dedicated disability centres in Brookvale and Waitara with options for individual and group activities, and pathways to inclusion and independence.

Our dedicated staff pride themselves on developing strong relationships with the people we support along with their families and carers. We work with you to create a world where people living with a disability are valued equally, listened to and included.

For more information:
P: 1800 324 924
E: info@catholiccaredbb.org.au

Learn more about our brilliant disability supports

At CatholicCare we focus on ability.

We’re all about helping our clients bring out the best in themselves and assisting families to navigate the NDIS to get the supports they need. We are enablers, facilitators, coaches and friends.

We know people want to have fun, learn new sills, make friends and express themselves and we have a range of brilliant programs to make this a reality.

No-one is judging me and that's a relief. I can be who I want to be here.

Hannah, Boonah artist

Latest news on our Disability & NDIS Supports

Big things happening at our Brookvale Hub

You can't help but feel the growing excitement at Brookvale Disability Support Hub this year. As new programs are being created and revamped, the atmosphere is one of enthusiasm and possibility.

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Jubilee year prompts spiritual renewal at CatholicCare

The Jubilee is for people and for the Earth a new beginning; everything must be rethought within the dream of God,” the Pope told pilgrims gathered for the morning audience. 

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Our artists explore Jubilee themes

It’s not every day that art competitions are held at our creative art studios for artists living with disability. So, when news broke of our 2025 Jubilee Art Competition, there was great excitement!

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Taylor thrives in her placement

Before entering an Individual Placement Arrangement with CatholicCare in October 2022, 12 year old Taylor had never lived anywhere for very long. Her placements with foster carers and family members would regularly break down, and in the months before coming to CatholicCare she was living in temporary accommodation with agency workers.

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