Carer Respite Services Banner

Funded by the Commonwealth Home Support Program (CHSP), our respite services aim to support carers to cope and manage relationships as they support frail and older loved ones, by providing them with a break from the constant demand of care. 

This could look like:

  • Transport to and from appointments, social events and activities
  • Support with meal preparation
  • General everyday duties around the home
  • Support with shopping
  • Companionship
  • Someone to talk to and laugh with
  • Time for the carer to go out with friends and socialise.

We can get you started by helping to arrange an assessment through My Aged Care through their online referral form. The My Aged Care website is here or contact them on 1800 931 299. Unfortunately, this process can take some time and can be confusing. However, we are here to support you on this journey and encourage you to contact our friendly team with any concerns or questions.

CatholicCare can also offer respite support on a fee for service basis if you are not eligible for funded services.

If you need respite urgently, contact Carer’s Gateway on 1800 422 737 or navigate to their website to find out more about emergency respite care here. If respite isn’t required and you are looking for other services, the My Aged Care Service Finder can be helpful.

For more information:
P: (02) 9488 2488

Aged Care CTA Image

Need help applying for respite services?

We know that navigating the aged care system can be daunting. There are so many questions to ask.

Reach out and we can take you through how we can help and refer you elsewhere if needed.

Frequently asked questions

What is the definition of a carer?

A carer is an individual who provides unpaid care and support to a family member, friend, or person with a disability, chronic illness, or aging related needs.

Can a paid support worker be referred to as a carer?

No, whilst they do care for people, the term “carer” should not be used to describe a paid support worker.

What is respite?

Respite refers to a temporary break or relief for carers from their caregiving responsibilities. It provides them with an opportunity to recharge, rest, and attend to their own needs. For more information visit

Why is respite important for carers?

Respite is important for carers as it helps prevent burnout and stress related health issues. It allows carers to attend to their own physical and mental wellbeing, maintain a balanced lifestyle, and continue providing quality care.

Am I eligible for respite services?

t depends on your individual circumstances and needs. There are eligibility requirements to access government subsidised respite care but it’s likely you will qualify if you are caring for a person with a disability, chronic illness, or aged related needs.

How much respite is a primary carer entitled to?

The amount of time a carer is entitled to is dependent on the carer and the client’s level of need. An excellent starting point would be to call Carers Gateway on 1800 422 737 or visit



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