Social distancing the catalyst for social connection amongst seniors

April 20, 2020

As we consider the impact of COVID-19, the most significant aspect right now is the loss of life amongst our elder communities worldwide. It is absolutely devastating.

And yet, there has been an unexpected gift to emerge from this situation. The mandate to stay at home and maintain social distancing has been the catalyst to connect with those we live with, and to connect online. Just as neighbours, family members and health professionals are dropping off groceries or stopping at the gate for a chat, they are also supporting our seniors to set up online platforms to facilitate social connection. Once they take the leap, those who had once feared technology will never turn back.

If we thought some of our seniors were slow, resistant to change, a lost cause when it comes to technology, think again. With a little bit of support and a few false-starts, the older members of our communities are attending Rotary meetings, enjoying morning teas together with friends, they are going to church, taking dance classes (yes, really – we have our very own dance program for seniors) and finding they can continue their weekly schedule, albeit in a different form.

This is a big shout out to the older members of community for showing us all what resilience truly is. May they remain healthy and safe through this time. Respect!


We are working hard to keep our clients and communities safe in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. In light of this we are now delivering many of our classes for seniors online! The simplicity of our programs is key meaning you can do many in your own home which is ideal given the isolation measures currently in place. All classes are designed to be enjoyable and cater to all abilities. We can talk you through how to access the videos online if you need help. Come join us!


Jessica Margules
P: (02) 9481 2659



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