CatholicCare Case Worker presents in Rome

April 12, 2017

When Ashleigh Green, a CatholicCare Case Worker in Out of Home Care on the Central Coast, went to World Youth Day – she was never expecting that shortly after she would be nominated as the Australian representative to travel to Rome for the gathering of youth to plan the 2018 Synod and 2019 Work Youth Day. Well that nomination became a reality and Ashleigh has been in Rome this week (Easter week) participating in the planning.

Ashleigh wrote to me after her speech and told me that it has truly been a wonderful experience that she has shared with delegates from 103 countries. The group attended a beautiful vigil Mass on Saturday night, followed by Palm Sunday Mass in St Peter’s Square the next day. Both Masses celebrated by Pope Francis.

Ashleigh tells me that many people at the gathering are fascinated by the work of CatholicCare and commented on how it strongly ties in with Pope Francis’s call for an outward looking Church that embraces those on the margins. I am sure you will be interested in Ashleigh’s speech and it is attached in a couple of forms for your interest. We are so pleased to have such a role model and leader in our midst and we congratulate Ashleigh.

Ashleigh’s speech is here. She was also featured in an article on in the USA.

Trish Devlin
Executive Director


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