Lindara Banner

Lindara was established in 1987, the International Year of Shelter for the Homeless. A number of parishioners from five congregations within the Uniting Church Lindfield Killara Parish decided to do something to address the plight of people living in Ku-ring-gai, and adjacent municipalities, who were having difficulty finding adequate housing. The focus of this outreach continues to provide support and information to families who are homeless, or at risk of homelessness.

In 2005, Lindara entered into an arrangement with CatholicCare, to fund a dedicated Family Support Worker to assist the homeless and families in crisis. This would be known as the Lindara Family Program. Assistance is offered to families impacted by financial difficulties, domestic and family violence, mental health, drug and alcohol issues and living in unsafe conditions.

This partnership capitalises on CatholicCare’s expertise in this space and provides linkages into their extensive suite of wraparound services. The goal is to intervene as early as possible to avert homelessness, or the inability to care for and nurture the children in the family group. Our objective is to facilitate positive lifestyle changes for families in need, with long-term benefits of family cohesion and sustainability.

This arrangement with CatholicCare brings an ecumenical sense to Lindara’s community work.

Working with homelessness is intensive and expensive. In 2022/23 the Lindara Family Support Worker cared for 29 families, including 52 children (up from 26 families and 50 children the year prior). CatholicCare and the Lindara Family Support Worker work to restore personal safety, financial independence, dignity and hope. Please help us to continue to support those homeless and at risk of homelessness.


Supported by: Members of the Uniting Church congregations at Killara (Five Ways), Lindfield, Gordon, Pymble, Roseville, St Ives as well as members of the Lindfield Killara Catholic Parish congregations and the Catholic Church North Shore Deanery.

The Lindara Vision

CatholicCare’s General Manager, Homelessness & Family explains the history, vision and CatholicCare’s involvement in the Lindara Family Program.

Support & Donate

Your support makes a huge difference to the lives of women and children. Please continue to give generously.

A Homelessness focus

The need for housing

Addressing violence

Let's talk about trauma

Domestic & Family Violence

Impacts of COVID

Housing & Safety

Goods & Services

Emotional Support

Everyday Challenges part 1

Everyday Challenges part 2
