Our program strives to keep families together by improving family functioning, reducing risk and safety concerns, as well as providing practical skills and therapeutic supports to all members of the family.

We work with the Department of Communities & Justice (DCJ) to address any Risk of Significant Harm concerns that have been identified for the family. We work with families who have children aged from birth to 17 years. Intensive family preservation focuses on providing intensive supports to families over a period of 6 – 9 months. This support includes frequent visits, up to 3 times a week with 24/7 on-call support. Depending on the needs of the family, we aim to support them with some or all of the following:

  • Strengthening family bonds
  • Increasing family safety and reducing family conflict
  • Increasing parental skills as well as problem solving
  • Increasing safer household living conditions
  • Developing appropriate and sustainable household routines
  • Increasing social, family and community supports and connections
  • Increasing self-regulation capacity for all members of the family
  • Developing budgeting skills.

For more information:
P: 1800 324 924

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I refer a family to the IFP program?

Referrals to IFP are made via DCJ. We are unable to accept direct referrals into the program from families or community members.

What geographical areas do you cover?

We provide supports to families that live within the Diocese of Broken Bay – this covers the Northern Beaches, some Northern Sydney suburbs and the Central Coast.

How long does the program last?

We provide support from 6 – 9 months depending on the needs of individual families.

How often does a family need to meet with you?

As we are an intensive family preservation program, families will need to meet with us 3 times per week in the initial stages and then in the step down process, the visits will be less frequent.

Are you able to provide brokerage for everyday items?

Limited brokerage will be accessed on a needs basis.

Are you able to transport us to and from school/appointments/shopping?

Transport is not our core work. We will assist you to utilise existing transporting options.
