Integrated Domestic & Family Violence Services (IDFVS) Banner

A free service for high risk victims of domestic and family abuse, escaping danger – women, children and men, no matter your background, family situation or gender. We empower families to be safe and recover from living with violence and abuse, whether or not you choose to stay in the relationship or leave. We provide advocacy and support with court processes, Victim Services claims, reporting to Police and access to ongoing supports within the community. We provide information and connection with specific supports, exploring options based on a complete safety and needs assessment. We also offer the following programs and workshops:


A six week group program for survivors of domestic and family violence that explores how to recognise abuse, the impact on women and children, exploring healthy relationships, changing and moving on.


A six week program delivered in schools to students in Years 7 – 12 exploring choices towards healthy gender roles, identity and relationships and providing tools to improve mental health outcomes. Delivered in association with headspace.


Suitable for those who work with children, providing an introduction to domestic and family violence and its impact on children, listening to the voices of children and engaging them in activity based play.


A series of workshops suitable for workplaces and community groups, that explore the primary drivers of domestic and family violence and how communities can work together to eliminate it.

For more information:
P: 1800 324 924

latest news on domestic & family violence

Amy says no to abuse

“I planned my escape to take place at 7.00am on 24 September 2022,” says Amy who had been a victim of domestic violence for three years. “I planned for it to happen at a time when Chris was a 45 minute drive away.

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Empowering young people to speak up when something isn’t right

Slowly but surely, domestic violence is becoming less of a taboo topic. Here we explore the importance of teaching young people how to be active bystanders and speaking up when something isn’t right.

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Self-care in the trees for survivors of domestic & family violence

If you were to picture a group for survivors of domestic and family violence, you probably imagine a group of women sitting on chairs, sipping cups of tea, and nervously engaging in small talk. This couldn’t be further from reality for women attending our Treetops experience.

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Relinquishing the family dream

Tegan describes her relationship with Daniel as “wonderful” when they first got together. They had big plans for their future, and over time they bought a home and became parents to a healthy little girl.

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