Family Connect and Support Banner

Family Connect and Support helps children, young people and families in NSW with:

  • Parenting challenges
  • Financial stress
  • Substance use
  • Family breakdown
  • Housing issues
  • Mental health
  • Domestic and family violence … and more.

Through an initial consultation, we get to know you and your individual circumstances. Understanding your needs and building on your strengths, we identify the support your family needs to make positive change in your lives. We’ll give you information and advice and help you connect to the services in your area so you don’t have to retell your story. We stay connected with you until you’re matched with the right services or support. We are a free and voluntary service for children, young people and families.

We welcome families from all cultures and backgrounds, lands and communities.

This service is available Monday to Friday between 8.30am and 5.30pm.

For more information:
P: 1800 066 757


Homelessness – the reality in 2024

Homelessness can affect men, women and children from a wide range of backgrounds. A shortage of affordable housing and high rents means that people on low incomes are increasingly vulnerable to homelessness.  

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Connecting at our Aboriginal playgroup

CatholicCare's Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Supported Playgroup is thriving. Not only are we connecting Aboriginal children and families with support services, but we also are giving kids a chance to meet and connect with other kids from their culture. That social connection is so important.

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Healthier, happier & together under one roof

Despite having all the right intentions, he found it overwhelming and almost impossible to meet the needs of his children, particularly those with significant physical and intellectual disabilities. 

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Amy says no to abuse

“I planned my escape to take place at 7.00am on 24 September 2022,” says Amy who had been a victim of domestic violence for three years. “I planned for it to happen at a time when Chris was a 45 minute drive away.

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