Family Support Services Banner

Parenting can be a tough gig, and we all need a little support from time to time.

Our services aim to strengthen and rebuild families through their relationships and living circumstances whilst balancing the need for safety. This is done through both home and community visits, online and phone supports plus personal appointments at our centres. When a family reaches out to us for support, we undertake an assessment of their needs then offer support services such as:

  • Intensive support – for families experiencing multiple current complexities requiring several visits and support from Case Workers per week. Clients can engage in support for up to 12 months.
  • Early intervention – for families with low to moderate needs. Case Workers engage with families once a week or fortnightly depending on their needs. Clients can engage in support for up to 6 months.

Our experienced Case Workers can support families in areas such as child development or behaviour issues, family breakdown, social isolation, mental illness, substance abuse, domestic violence, gambling, housing issues, childcare or other support issues. Families can refer themselves, or be referred through other agencies. Our service covers the whole of the Northern Sydney region and supports families with children aged up to 18 years. This is a free service funded through our State & Federal Government partners.

We also deliver a range of group based support options such as supported playgroups, specialised groups and parenting courses such as Circle of Security, Tuning into Kids, Tuning into Teens, Triple P Parenting, 1-2-3 Magic and more. For more information about our upcoming programs, click here.


Jubilee year prompts spiritual renewal at CatholicCare

The Jubilee is for people and for the Earth a new beginning; everything must be rethought within the dream of God,” the Pope told pilgrims gathered for the morning audience. 

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Accelerating action this International Women’s Day

The theme for International Women’s Day 2025 is ‘Accelerate Action’ which is all about moving from awareness to action and awareness is the first step in creating change.

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Our artists explore Jubilee themes

It’s not every day that art competitions are held at our creative art studios for artists living with disability. So, when news broke of our 2025 Jubilee Art Competition, there was great excitement!

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At the mercy of his perpetrator

For several months, 66 year old Peter lived between hotels. As he grappled with memory loss and substance use, Peter would rely on the goodwill of hotel owners and acquaintances for shelter.

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