Residential Care for YouthBanner

Residential care services are provided for children and young people aged between 12 and 18 years, many of whom are the most vulnerable, having experienced extreme trauma and an absence of care and love.

The Department of Communities & Justice provides funding to CatholicCare, under the Permanency Support Program, to establish residential homes and care teams across the Diocese. We have a number of homes across Northern Sydney and the Central Coast which are carefully chosen and established to be close to schools and other amenities the young people will need as they journey towards independence. CatholicCare provides a team of experts to support each individual young person – Youth Workers, Case Workers and Therapeutic Specialists.

The program for each child is tailored to meet their therapeutic needs and developmental stage, recognising that the trauma they have experienced can affect their cognitive, emotional and social functioning. Assessments are carried out with therapeutic specialists, and individualised therapeutic interventions are co-ordinated by the child’s key worker, drawing on the multi-disciplinary skills within CatholicCare, other agencies, community and cultural groups. The young person’s progress is monitored and supported through CatholicCare’s guided practice case management systems. The therapeutic care team reviews and adjusts activities on a regular basis to flexibly meet the needs of each young person. A particular area of focus is supporting the young person to develop the skills, knowledge and networks they need to move to independence when they leave care.

For more information:
P: (02) 9481 2600

Latest News on Foster Care

Sally builds meaningful connections

Last year marked a significant and heart-warming chapter in our Intensive Therapeutic Care (ITC) team as we welcomed Sally into our care.

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I just want to be with my mum

Tragically, Brian's life story was one of abuse and neglect, both preceding his entry into the care system and during his days within it. Notwithstanding these experiences, Brian wanted desperately to live with his family once more. 

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Blake’s youth work story

Every few months, CatholicCare hosts a Youth Worker information night to attract prospective employees for the Permanency Support Program. Attendees come and go, with some deciding to apply for a Youth Worker position and others going on their merry way in search of the right career.

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Adam’s embracing care & taking steps to a brighter future

A difficult start in life and added trauma along the way led young Adam to develop some challenging behaviours, disengage with school and use anger as a barrier against the world. But the supports he has received while living in one of our Intensive Therapeutic Care homes has seen a number of small breakthroughs which are helping him to identify his emotions, modify his behaviour and re-engage with education. 

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