Men’s Behaviour Change Program Banner

We offer a range of men’s domestic and family violence services to meet the diverse and individual needs of men who have used coercive control and violence. The following programs, delivered under our Safer Families suite of services, aim to increase family safety and encourage men to choose safe and respectful ways of relating with themselves, and their families.


Tailored support in the form of goal setting and/or counselling, for men not in a group program or who require support to maintain safe choices and/or face barriers to engaging with services and supports.


An intensive group work program for men who are beginning to recognise their behaviours as controlling and violent and wish to choose safe and respectful ways of relating with their families and others.


Voluntary, individual and tailored support for family members affected by men’s use of violence and controlling behaviours, where their male family member is engaging, or has engaged with our Safer Families programs.

Funded by the NSW Department of Communities & Justice

For more information:
P: 1800 324 924

Learn more about our Back on Track program

Men’s behaviour change programs are run by non-Government organisations like ours.

They work closely with Government agencies such as Police, Child Protection and Community Corrections. The goal is to guide men towards a safer path.

Cathy & Travis explain our program in more detail here.

frequently asked questions

I am not Catholic, can I still access your service?

Yes, our service is open to all.

What is men’s behaviour change, and how can it help me?

This is an opportunity for men who have used violence or controlling behaviours, to explore choices in relationships, that are safe and respectful. Men who attend say that they value having a space that is both respectful and challenging, moving them closer towards the man, partner and father they want to be, whilst also getting on track to a life free from legal consequences and harm to their family.

What is Safer Families?

It’s a voluntary program that assists families where there has been domestic and family violence, to live with safety and dignity. Safer Families will support both partners, whether they choose to separate or remain together, with safety at the centre of all work we do. Tailored support is provided for men to reach their behaviour change goals and reduce barriers to attending.

What is Back on Track?

It’s a 20 week group program for men who have used violence, abuse or controlling behaviours, which includes at least 4 additional individual readiness sessions with a counsellor before, where eligible, entering the 20 week group program.

How long will a readiness or progress session take?

Readiness and progress sessions take between 1 and 1.5 hours.

How long is a group session and at what time?

Each group session runs for 2.5 hours from 6.00pm to 8.30pm.

What is not provided in the Safer Families and Back on Track programs?

These programs do not provide couple or relationship counselling, help for men to avoid legal consequences or receive reduced penalties for violent or abusive behaviour or a certificate of completion.

When does the next Back on Track group commence?

Eligible participants can commence group at the beginning of each 10 week module. Call us on 1800 324 924 to find out the next intake.

Is there a cost for the program?

Each group session costs $60 – including missed sessions. Affordability can be discussed with your counsellor. There is no charge for initial readiness or individual progress interviews.

Where is the group run?

CatholicCare provides the Back on Track program in Waitara and Tuggerah.

How do I make an enquiry about the program?

Contact 1800 324 924 during business hours or email your enquiry to

What do I bring to my first readiness counselling session?

If applicable, copies of Apprehended Domestic Violence Orders (ADVOs) and Family Court Orders.

Will Back on Track help my family law outcome?

These programs take a neutral position in Family Court proceedings and place utmost priority on child and family safety. A letter of attendance may be provided on request, at the completion of the program.

Do you work with same sex relationships?

Yes, we will work with men in same sex relationships.

Do you work with transgender and non-binary people?

Safer Families will work to support all people in a way that respects their safety and dignity. Where a group may not be suitable, an alternative service will be sought that meets the needs of the individual.

Do you use interpreters?

Yes, we work with in-person, phone and AUSLAN interpreter services.

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