Child, Youth & Family Support Services Banner

Our family support services are diverse and include support groups, Family Connect and Support, playgroups, youth services, casework support and much more.

We provide home and centre based support for children, young people, individuals and families across the Lower North Shore, Northern Beaches, Hornsby and Ku-ring-gai areas.

We will listen to the challenges you are facing, do an assessment of your needs and if we can support your family, our experienced Case Workers can assist with a range of challenges such as child development or behaviour issues, family breakdown, social isolation, mental illness, substance abuse, domestic violence, gambling, housing issues, childcare or other support issues.

We recognise that all families have strengths but some need help in difficult times.


What are family support services?

Parenting can be a tough gig, and we all need a little support from time to time.

We will listen to the challenges you are facing, do an assessment of your needs and if we can support your family, our experienced Case Workers can assist with a range of challenges such as child development or behaviour issues, family breakdown, social isolation, mental illness, substance abuse, domestic violence, gambling, housing issues, childcare or other support issues.

Do you support non-English speaking families?

Yes, we can organise for you to connect with us via a translation service. Let us know if you need this.

Do you support families experiencing food insecurity?

Life is expensive. We do offer some limited emergency relief food support. Call us on 1800 324 924 to see if you are eligible. We cover the Central Coast, Northern Beaches, Upper North Shore, Lower North Shore and out to West Ryde. Unfortunately we cannot provide services outside of these geographic areas due to funding limitations.

I am not Catholic, can I still access your service?

Yes, our service provides support to all families across the Lower North Shore, Northern Beaches, Hornsby and Ku-ring-gai LGA’s.

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