We pride ourselves on providing a service that is distinctively welcoming. Our learning environment is naturally beautiful and aesthetically pleasing. Soft furnishings, a relaxed quiet atmosphere, smiling faces and a listening ear create a positive environment where children develop trust, feel safe, and are happy and content.
Our Lake Munmorah Early Learning Centre is a haven for creativity, fun, laughter and enjoyment. We value a routine that is relaxed and flexible and responds to children’s aspirations. We believe that children have an unquenchable curiosity and are intrigued by anything and everything. They are eager explorers with an intense desire to make sense of their world.
We respect and value all children for their unique qualities, individuality, diversity, interests, abilities and characteristics. We aim to support children as they begin their educational journey so they can grow and develop into strong and confident beings.
We are a purpose-built preschool on the grounds of St Brendan’s Catholic Primary School.
We have an outstanding reputation amongst our families, other services and educational institutions within the local area. We pride ourselves in providing a safe environment, where play and discovery provides opportunities for children to explore new interests, problem solve and think creatively. Our playground is engaging and has lots of room to explore. We have lots of plants, a vegetable and herb garden and a huge, sheltered sandpit. Other features include a mud pit, water pump with creek bed, large soft fall area and covered paved areas for quieter activities.
- We welcome children aged 3 – 6 years.
- Our preschool hours are 7.45am – 3.15pm during the school term.
- We support families and children from varying ethnic, cultural and religious backgrounds.
- We welcome children with additional needs.
- We welcome enrolments from all areas of the Northern Central Coast regardless of your religious beliefs or the primary school your child will attend.
Director, Lake Munmorah ELC
29a Carters Road
P: (02) 4358 1102
E: elc.lakemunmorah@catholiccaredbb.org.au