Current Job Vacancies Banner

Our employees and volunteers are inspired, capable and compassionate. Each of our 800+ staff play a part in helping people live their best life and transforming our communities to be safe, nurturing environments. Our people embody our values and demonstrate our mission in their everyday work.

But our workers do more than just carry out our vision – they’re truly the lifeblood of CatholicCare. They serve those in need with compassion, dignity and respect. They strive for excellence in all they do, exceed expectations and act on evidence of what works – providing high quality services that meet the evolving needs of our community. They advocate for our clients and stand up for what is right, and are willing to face difficult circumstances in order to make a positive impact.

Does this sound like you? We are always looking for people who want to make a difference.

Our current job vacancies are detailed below.

Current job vacancies

We have a reputation for leadership and innovation. We employ people from all walks of life who bring their passion, commitment, life skills and values to their work. We value diversity and a readiness to learn and to be part of a team. In return for their passion and commitment we offer staff some great benefits to ensure our people are motivated, challenged and supported to achieve their full potential.


To sit with someone in the midst of their struggle and let them know they are not alone is truly powerful and life changing.

Latest news

Changing lives through literature

Many of us take it for granted that our kids will grow up learning to read and write, yet for many children throughout Australia, this is not the case. Lack of education and early literacy can affect children throughout their lives and lead to psychological damage, poor health, fewer job opportunities and lower incomes.

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Building a support network makes all the difference for Julia

It was May 2022, and Julia’s whole body went numb as she sat in a hospital room with her 14 year old daughter, Anna. They'd been discharged from the hospital, but they had nowhere to go.

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The importance of post natal mental health

Parenthood can be an extremely emotional time for everyone as it brings immense change. It can be both joyous and...

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Homelessness – the reality in 2024

Homelessness can affect men, women and children from a wide range of backgrounds. A shortage of affordable housing and high rents means that people on low incomes are increasingly vulnerable to homelessness.  

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