Private Aged Care Banner

At CatholicCare, help comes in lots of ways to suit your individual needs and circumstances. Our suite of private services is available to seniors who are not eligible to receive Government funded supports or services.

Under these arrangements, you are not required to receive an assessment through My Aged Care. Instead we provide a fee paying arrangement allowing you to access to our supports and programs.

We pride ourselves in providing support that enables and empower seniors to live well. Our team are passionate about their work and focus on building consistent trusting relationships. Matching the right carer or activity for you is paramount and we put a lot of focus on making sure we get that right.

All our services are accessible through a private fee payment arrangement. These types of supports could include:

  • Personal care
  • Community access to events/functions
  • Community access to appointments
  • Light domestic duties
  • Light shopping support
  • Support meal preparation
  • In-home social interaction
  • Supervision of the taking of medication
  • Various centre based activities based on the interest of participants.

Under a private arrangement, we also have additional support services including guidance with everyday technology, pet care, making photo albums, creating memoirs and capturing your life story.


If you already have an active Home Care Package being managed by another provider, it is likely we can provide support to you using a brokerage model. This means you can choose one of our services or programs and the services will be billed at the private care rates, directly to your Home Care Package agency or Case Manager. We will need to ensure the services you are interested in are provided within your Home Care Package budget and schedule of supports. We can work with you to explore this with your provider.


Perhaps you are not interested in a Home Care Package or a Government assessment. We can still connect you to our highly capable workforce, services and programs.

For more information:
P: 1800 324 924

Latest aged care news

At the mercy of his perpetrator

For several months, 66 year old Peter lived between hotels. As he grappled with memory loss and substance use, Peter would rely on the goodwill of hotel owners and acquaintances for shelter.

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Big news – we’ve been approved to provide Home Care Packages!

We are delighted to announce our new accreditation as a provider of Home Care Packages designed to help seniors stay living in their home independently for as long as possible.

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Generations connect over juice and scones

After watching the show ‘Old People’s Home for 4 Year Olds' we looked at how we could do something similar in our community. We knew that many of our families had grandparents who lived a long way away and they would benefit by having that intergenerational connection.

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Chee changes everything for Yvonne

“To have someone as good as Chee, that’s a miracle,” says 78 year old Yvonne who receives in-home support from CatholicCare Community Support Partner.

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