Aged Care Services & Supports Banner

Australia enjoys one of the highest standards of living in the world, and we’re living longer. Getting older should be fun, you have more time to do things you have always wanted to, to socialise with friends and learn new things. But, you may need a little help to maximise those opportunities, to tackle changes in health, mobility and connecting with others.

At CatholicCare, help comes in lots of ways to suit your individual needs and circumstances. We can support you to get things done around the home, to get you out and about and to connect with others. We also provide cutting edge programs to keep your brain and body fit through our Memory Innovations Centre.

We know that navigating the aged care system can be daunting. There are so many questions to ask. From knowing where to start and what type of care and support you need, to availability and eligibility of Government support packages to help pay for your supports … we’re here to help you through the process in a way that ensures you can make choices and decisions that best suit the lifestyle you want.

The supports available to older Australians, and their application processes seem to change constantly. CatholicCare has the expertise to keep up with the changes and to advise you about opportunities.

For more information:
P: 1800 324 924


We are here to help seniors and provide a range of supports. Our goal is to improve wellbeing and quality of life for each individual we work with. It’s smart to ask for help.

We’ll work with you to find the right solution for you or your loved one. We listen. Matching you to the the right service is paramount and we put a lot of focus on making sure we get that right. We take a holistic approach. We look after your emotional, social, spiritual and physical needs when providing care.


“Sometimes I wake up and think, ‘I’m in too much pain to go out today.’ But by the time I have finished with Chee the pain has gone.”


Frequently asked questions

I am not Catholic, can I still access your service?

Yes, our service is open to all.

What is the Commonwealth Home Support Program?

The Commonwealth Home Support Program (CHSP) is a government funded program that provides basic support services to help older people stay living independently in their own homes.

How much do our services cost?

The services we provide are currently funded by the Commonwealth Home Support Program (CHSP) which are accessible through My Aged Care. This site will provide you with the eligibility criteria you will need to meet to access Government subsidised aged care services. Generally, the cost of aged care varies depending on the type of care required and your financial situation. Government subsidies are available for some types of care, but you may be required to contribute to the cost of your care based on your income and assets.

How old do I have to be to receive government subsidised Aged Care?

To be eligible for any form of government subsidised aged care you need to be 65 years and over, or 50 years and over if Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander.

How do I know if I'm eligible for aged care services?

To be eligible for aged care services in Australia, you need to have an assessment by an Aged Care Assessment Team (ACAT) or an Aged Care Assessment Service (ACAS). They will determine what type of care you need and whether you are eligible for government funded services.

What is a Home Care Package and do CatholicCare offer these?

A Home Care Package (HCP) is a coordinated package of care and services provided to older people who want to continue living in their own home. It is tailored to meet their individual needs and can include things like personal care, domestic assistance, transport, and social support. We do not offer HCPs yet, but are hoping to in 2024.

Does CatholicCare offer residential aged care homes?

Residential aged care is a type of care for older people who can no longer live at home. It provides 24 hour care and support in a residential setting, such as a nursing home or retirement village. We do not operate any residential care homes.

What is flexible respite care?

Flexible respite services typically involve one of our Community Support Workers visiting once or twice a week to help people stay independent in their homes while providing regular care givers with a break. This assistance can include help with getting to appointments, some light household tasks such as changing bed sheets, hanging the washing out, some vacuuming, or tidying up around the home. Social activities such as catching up over coffee, shopping, unassisted shopping, outings to get out of the house, exercise, hobbies, or just company at home are also available. Our team of caring workers is here to help.

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